Friday, 9 April 2010

Joyful Celebrations

Wow, Spring has sprung, the daffodils are blooming, birds are building nests and the Government had to drop the Home Education parts out of its Children, Schools and Families Bill in order to get it through "the Wash-up".

I'm amazed that the earth is still on its axis, given that so many English home educators have been jumping up and down for joy.

Never underestimate a parent and how much he/she will do for his/her child.

Never, ever underestimate a parent who has a child with an additional need or disability.

Never, ever, ever underestimate a parent who educates his/her child at home.

So, given that the majority of home educators (if not all) are incredibly committed to their children's education and make sacrifices in order to educate them at home and that many have children with additional needs or disabilities - well, the Department for Children, Schools and Families plus Ed Balls and Delyth Morgan really should have known these parents wouldn't just lie down and go "OK - we don't mind you slandering us, infringing our civil liberties and making unreasonable demands".

Well done, everybody.

Of course, they will be back - the DCSF staff are still there and Ed Balls has already laid out his intentions to do this all over again in his letter to Michael Gove which you can find here.

At the top of his page there is an invitation to "Get in touch with Ed".

Surely there should be a button to "Get in touch with reality"?


  1. Am going to be making the argument for "asymmetric libertarian paternalism", ie: taking steps to help the families who are really in trouble whilst imposing minimal harm on everyone else."

    The CSF Bill would not have done would have imposed a great deal of harm on loads of HE families. Better use of current law would be a more sensible way forward.

  2. Absolutely - if only the LAs knew the law or respected it enough to stick to it.
